Our goal is to provide the finest in medical, optical, and surgical care for your eyes in a caring, progressive, and efficient setting. We want your experience to be positive in all ways. We value our patients and appreciate your input as to how we can always improve our services to you.
The doctor - staff - patient relationship should be one of mutual cooperation and respect and we always strive to uphold our part in a positive partnership for your best eye health.
Fees, including co-payments and deductibles, are often set by your insurance providers. We strive to maintain reasonable medical fees and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Comprehensive Eye exams for all ages
Second opinions and Counseling
Complete Optical Departments (Eye Glass Fitting and Dispensing)
Comprehensive Contact Lens Fitting and Dispensing including
Gas permeable and soft lenses, Multifocal Contact lenses, Special Fits for complicated eyes
Myopia treatment for children
Evaluation and treatment of cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration
Cataract Surgery including laser eye surgery and specialty intraocular lenses
Evaluation of Diabetic patients and Plaquenil screenings
Diagnosis and Treatment of Dry Eye
Same Day Emergency Appointments